
Hey members. We've included some important information about your membership on this page. If you have any questions please email us at 

Access the Catalogue

We use SeTLS toy library software to manage our toy collection and membership details. You can access the Meg's Toy Box catalogue here. Once you are a member, you should receive a link allowing you to login to our catalogue. Please contact us at if you have not received a password.

When you login to SeTLS you will be able to:

Meg's Toy Box Membership Agreement

Upon joining Meg's Toy Box, members agree to the following conditions:

A refundable deposit of $30 is paid upon joining

Hire and late fees 

Care for toys and containers

Caring for toys

Please take care of your loans and follow all instructions and warnings on the toy packaging. We accept responsibility for normal wear and tear, but toys that are damaged through misuse incur repair costs or a replacement fee. 

Use the following checklist to help keep our toys in great condition:

Missing parts and pieces

We understand that toy parts sometimes go missing. When you lose a toy part we encourage you to hold onto the toy until you can find the missing piece. If you cannot find it before returning the toy please notify a volunteer. While we can usually find a replacement, you may be required to cover the cost of a unique or essential missing part.